Design and delivery of «turnkey» systems of automated control and control systems (SCADA)
Automated control systems for technological processes at substations (ACS TP SS) are developed as distributed information control human-machine systems, designed for long-term operation on a real-time scale and intended for
automated control of technological equipment at the substation.
Automated top-level dispatch control systems for dispatch centers of energy companies at different hierarchical levels are being developed for the purpose of organizing operational control over the modes of operation of electric networks and the distribution of electricity in the areas of responsibility of this structure.
Combined systems of ASUTP PS with a single ASDTU DC, if necessary with the organization of communication channels, for complex technical solutions.
- Mosaic control panels with an active system for displaying the values of electrical parameters and states of high-voltage equipment on objects (SOIKP) as a component of ASDTU.
countdown of astronomical time, with synchronization from the GPS system, with subsequent display on digital individual indicators. - Complexes of telemechanics, both for energy facilities that are being built again, and for the modernization of existing automated systems on sub station.
The result of our work is an economically calculated combination of the use, of high-quality equipment from foreign manufacturers, in combination, with proven domestic equipment, which ensures maximum optimization of costs for the automation system.