Network monitoring.
Monitoring of network devices (surveillance video cameras) is performed on the basis of the KPL-32 telemechanics controller
Monitoring is performed on the basis of the KPL-32 controller. First of all, monitoring was developed to control the operation of web cameras. The controller executes a PING command or an HTTP-GET request to the web server of the network device (web camera), successively checks the list of IP addresses of network devices (web cameras), and converts the survey result into a DI signal that can be displayed on WEB-SCADA or transmitted via telemechanics protocols to an external SCADA system.
In addition, using standard exchange protocols, the controller can collect signals of the DI position and ME measurements, as well as perform telecontrol of the vehicle, working together with the BTU-32M and MPDS-32M units. In this way, it is possible to automate (for example) the opening of the gate with control of the result, or to control the lighting or the irrigation system. You can measure the temperature in the rooms and display it on the screen, and control the air conditioners. Since the controller has PLC functions, it is possible to automate processes. For example, when the temperature is high, turn on the air conditioners, or vice versa, when the heating temperature is low.
Also, using the KPL-32 controller with two Ethernet ports, you can divide the network into internal monitored and external SCADA, for sequrity reasons.
The system supports exchange using specialized protocols, such as:
Modbus RTU Serial (Master/Slave);
Modbus RTU TCP/IP (Master/Slave);
IEC60870-5-101 (Master/Slave);
IEC60870-5-104 (Master/Slave);
IEC61850-8 MMS (Master/Slave);
DNP3.0 (Master/——-);
SPA (ABB company)
NTP server/client
PLC functions aka IEC 61131
2GPIO channels
You can also view the signals in tabular form in the web SCADA
Made in Ukraine