head: Solovyov Georgy Serhiyovych (067)657-99-37

Module for 32 Digital Signals Modernized MPDS-32M

Module for collection digital inputs MPDS-32M.

1. Main characteristics of the device.

1.1. Number of inputs — 32.
1.2. The frequency of polling the discrete inputs of the input is 1 ms.
1.3. The minimum time for the next operation of one input is 1 s,
1.4. The number of working addresses via RS-485 is 31.
1.5. Possibility of setting the bounce value (same for all inputs).
Bounce value limits are from 0 to 1000 ms.
1.6. Ability to record communication parameters and bounce values via the RS-485 port.
1.7. Device performance analysis:
— failure when reading data via the serial port,
— checking overheating of input receiving chips,
— checking the presence of 24V voltage,
— failure when writing to EEPROM (only when writing parameters via the RS-485 port).
1.8. Maximum current consumption for +5V circuits is 50 mA, for +24V circuits — 200

2. Physical interface for exchange with external RS-485 devices.
Exchange protocol — Modbus RTU.
The operating mode of the input collection device is “slave”.
Data exchange rates via RS-485 — 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200,
38400, 56000, 57600, 115200 Baud.
The block address is set using DIP jumpers on the board.
The communication parameters and anti-bounce values are programmed from a PC via RS-485.

Made in Ukraine