«NTC Energozvyazok» LLC is a partner in the supply and performance of a complex of installation, adjustment, maintenance of telecommunication equipment and other products of the following manufacturers: Ericsson (Sweden), TTC MARCONI (Czech Republic), Siemens (Germany), Huawei (China), ABB (Switzerland), Dalekovod (Croatia), Cisco (USA), Reichle & De-Massari (Switzerland) and other.
Geography of the company's activities
- development of the main directions of development (Concept) of the telecommunications network of SE «NEC «Ukrenergo»;
- development of schemes for the prospective development of corporate and technological information transmission systems based on VOLZ and RRL, and their construction for a number of regional energy companies of Ukraine;
- design and construction of power transmission lines with 110-750 kV PL using ADSS and OPGW type optical cables and equipment for information transmission systems (SDH, PDH, DWDM, MPLS-TP), with the organization of communication and data transmission channels, RZ and PA for energy systems Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan etc.;
- design and construction of high-frequency (HF) tracts for the organization of communication channels, RZ and PA using non-typical connection schemes from 110-1150 kV LV for power systems of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, etc.;
- design and construction of multi-service information exchange networks for wind and solar power plants of Ukraine;
- installation and commissioning of telemechanics equipment and information display equipment (control panels) at energy facilities and control points of energy enterprises of Ukraine and Turkmenistan.
- development of schemes for the prospective development of dispatching and technological management tools for energy companies of Ukraine and the CIS countries;
- organization of communication and data transmission channels for dispatching and technological management services and information exchange systems;
- construction of corporate and technological information transmission networks (transport level and access level);
- intra-object transmission and voice networks.