Organizing Power Line Communication
High-frequency communication (HF-communication) over the power transmission line (PLC)
The task of HF PLC communication is the transmission of information over high-voltage power lines, for example, telephone conversations, telesignaling, and telemechanics signals.
The company performs the following tasks:
- Designing of HF channels for relay protection, emergency controls and communication over a 35-1150 kV power transmission line
- Measurement of HF interference, calculation of electromagnetic compatibility and selection of operating frequencies for HF power line channels
- Circuit design and manufacture of special coupling and processing devices for organizing power-line carrier links
- Installation and commissioning work on the organization of power-line carrier links using unconventional circuits
- Introduction of new digital HF equipment
- Organization of HF channels over 110-330 kV aerial/cable power transmission lines
- Organization of HF data transmission channels over 6-10kV cable lines

When organizing HF channels along power transmission lines, the following tasks are solved:
1. Collection of initial data on existing HF channels adjacent to the design or reconstruction object.

6. Execution of feasibility studies, projects, working projects and project estimate documentation. ENERGOSVYAZ LTD has a state license for the implementation of projects and PNR. He took part in the design and construction of the 750 kV Kievskaya Vynnitsa overhead line, the 750 kV ZAES-Kakhovskaya overhead line, the 750 kV Zapadnoukrainskaya — Albertirsha overhead line (480 km), the 750 kV Kyiv-RAES overhead line (360 km) and others.

7. Testing and certification of HF equipment ENERGOSVYAZ LTD has a testing laboratory for certification of HF equipment.
8. Input control of HF equipment on the construction site. Measurements are carried out with modern devices of the AnCom307 type

10. Passporting of HF equipment.
Diagram of the levels of transmission and reception of RF and TF HF equipment ET-83.
Out-of-band emissions at the output of ET-83 equipment (75 Ohm load)
Amplitude-frequency characteristics of the final attenuation for the telephone channel
Frequency stability check for the telephone channel
11. The HF communication department of NTC «Energosvyaz» has experience in the organization of HF channels on 110 kV LC, 110 kV overhead lines with a cable insert without the organization of HF bypasses.
The scheme of the organization of HF tracts for relay protection channels along the 150 kV overhead line of the Nozlovaya PS Shevchenkovskaya station with a cable insert
12. The HF communication department has experience in organizing HF channels on 10 kV cable lines.