Installation and configuration
Scientific and technical center «Energozvyazok» performs complex installation and adjustment of telemechanics systems.

Complex works on installation and adjustment of RRL systems.
High-tech measuring and testing equipment, as well as specialized software complexes, are used in the work process:
Site-master/KSVmeter ANRITSU S 331С
Spectroanalyzer R&S FSH-18 (frequency ranges, respectively, 25 — 3000 MHz and 10 — 18000 MHz
Egilent 54820A type oscilloscopes
Waveguide sets with adjustable artificial attenuation line up to 140dB
Specialized testing equipment for determining the resistance of equipment to external electromagnetic influences ISO/IEC 61000-4-xx.
Installation and adjustment of RRL equipment is carried out by specialists of the Department of Implementation of Information Transmission Systems
If necessary and in the order of author’s supervision of the customer’s facilities under construction, the engineers of the project department go to set up and configure the RRL equipment for the customer’s special tasks.
Before the installation of RRL equipment at the customer’s facilities, all equipment undergoes initial functional control and preliminary adjustment on a specialized work bench. The duration of the working run is not less than 30 hours of continuous work. In the process of running, the equipment is tested for compliance of the operating modes with the design requirements.