
NTC Energosvyaz has the rights of the Expert Organization of the National Energy Regulatory Commission in accordance with the resolution of the National Energy Regulatory Commission No. 870 of August 7, 2002. Has the right to carry out examinations of communication equipment, automation, relay protection, etc., and to issue expert opinions on the possibility of using the specified equipment on the power grids of NKRE. Expertises are carried out by highly qualified employees. Types of equipment for which expert opinions are issued:

Telecommunications equipment:
Analog and digital telecommunication equipment and equipment. The main functional units of the equipment for secondary compression of telecommunications channels (multiplexers, demultiplexers, modems, etc.)
Digital, single-channel and multi-channel telecommunications equipment and equipment — optical fiber equipment and equipment (PDH/SDH/WDM, optical multiplexers, amplifiers, splitters, etc.), the main functional units of secondary compression equipment (PDH/SDH compression and multiplexing systems, primary multiplexers, access multiplexers, AL thickeners, xDSL, ISDN systems), hardware and equipment for data transmission systems, NGN, IP telephony)
Telecommunications equipment on power lines (power lines)
Equipment and equipment for telephone communication (PBX/PTS, intermediate and additional equipment for the vehicle), equipment for operational, dispatching and loudspeaker communication, including signaling equipment
Structured cable systems
Equipment for data transmission and fiber optic networks (couplings, fittings, vibration dampers, etc.)
Intermediate and additional equipment for telephone exchanges (connecting boxes; crossbars, risers, cabinets, cable boxes; switching and connecting panels; switching and protective modules; adapters; passive splitters; passive optical splitters; attenuators; filters; insulators; compensators)
Telephone switches
Terminal subscriber analog and digital data transmission devices, terminal subscriber codecs of analog and digital signals, subscriber scramblers, encoders and decoders

Complete low-voltage electric devices:
Low-voltage distribution consoles, panels, consoles, tables, cabinets, shields (including numerical control panels with a built-in AOI machine and programmable controllers with memory devices)
Low-voltage programmable controllers with memory devices
Low-voltage programmable controllers with memory devices

Fiber-optic cables and connectors
Communication cables, fiber optic connectors
Coaxial cables
Coaxial cables and conductors, signal waveguides, mounting wires
Connecting devices
Low-voltage electric connector cables (coaxial and other):
Power cables for a voltage of up to 1000 V
Flexible power cables, wires and cords for a voltage of up to 1000 V (symmetrical, radio frequency, control, data transmission)
Connecting devices
Low-voltage electrical connectors (coaxial and other)
Radio stations transmitting and receiving of general purpose:
Transmitting radio stations, repeaters, radio relay stations
Radio access systems, radio equipment of security and fire alarm systems
Radio stations with digital and broadband types of modulation, radio modems
Low-voltage electric wires, cords and cables
Couplings for cables
Armature for suspension of cables
Intermediate and additional equipment for cable lines
Elements of cable sewerage
Pipelines, plastic pipes
Elements for connecting pipelines, inspection devices and their elements